Jurnal Belantara invites writers to submit their writing to this journal. jurnal Belantara contains Research Results and Review Articles with a focus on the field of forestry and environment which includes; Forest Management, Silviculture, Technology of Forest Product, Conservation of Natural Resource, Forestry Policy, and Politics, Ecology, Social Forestry, GIS, Watershed Management, Environmental Services, Environmental Impact, Environmental Planning and Management, Climate Change.
Jurnal Belantara is an Open Access Journal and does not impose any cost to authors for publishing articles. All articles in Jurnal Belantara have Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and are indexed in DOAJ, GARUDA RISTEKDIKTI, IOS PERPUSNAS, NELITI, BASE, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, MENDELEY, CROSSREF, DRJI, MORAREF. WORLDCAT, DIMENSIONS, and also accredited SINTA 3 2024-2028 by KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK through SK No 177/E/KPT/2024.
Manuscripts submitted can be written in Indonesian or English by following the writing guidelines available on the journal website. Manuscripts can be sent through the journal page: or Email : [email protected]. Thank you
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