
Sonia Wulandari , andi chairil ichsan , Maiser Syahputra






Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)


Jalakbali, breeding management, social behavior



How to Cite

Wulandari, S., chairil ichsan, andi, & Syahputra, M. (2019). PERILAKU SOSIAL JALAK BALI (Leucopsar rotschildii Stresemann 1912) DI KANDANG PERKEMBANGBIAKAN UNIT PENGELOLAAN KHUSUS PEMBINAAN JALAK BALI TEGAL BUNDER TAMAN NASIONAL BALI BARAT. Jurnal Belantara, 2(1), 10–16.


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Management of breeding  activities consists of feed aspect, sex ratio, reproduction, health, and other needs. Jalak social behavior in UPKPJB Tegal Bunder consists of 9 behaviors consisting of interdisciplinary behavior, approaching each other, making out, marrying, cleaning the beak, chasing each other, pecking each other, mutual voices and nursery care. From the observation, there is some male and female behavior. The highest social behavior is performed by females about 420 times, while males are about 388 times during observation time.


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